Wednesday, December 24, 2008

section sleepover!


we're going to spend the last sleeping night of 2008 together!
omg sounds wrong.

Okay anyway ROS says we can go her house for sleepover on the 30th! :DD
I guess it would perhaps be just sleepover at her house, or you guys can still have activity in the afternoon if you want before heading her house for the night (Lien and I won't be able to join in the aft though D:) sorry!

tent (optional)
soft toy (optional)
movies dvd/vcd (optional)
extra set of PJs/clothes (optional)
(to be continued...)

Ha basically everything is optional except toiletries and snacks la.

We'll be having movie marathon, chit-chatting, snacking, etc. Oh! We'll be sleeping in tents too? HOHO. I've no idea myself too since it's ros' house (: But anything can happen on the day itself la!

So ya, please RSVP by leaving comments to this post, so i'll know who's coming!

I'll sms you guys the details (meeting time, meals) when it's more cfm!

Merry xmas :D

fluboes <3>

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